Charity in Leeds look for sponsors

Leeds Involving People will be hosting their AGM on 23 November 2017 in Leeds city centre. The Lord Mayor of Leeds is opening the AGM, and presenting to the Board and members.
There will be around 80 members attending, all Leeds citizens, with various needs.
The members are citizens who use health and social care services, and often find barriers to accessing these services. For example, it may be someone in a wheelchair, or with a long term condition, or Deaf/Hard of hearing/elderly etc, or a carer.
We would very much like to be able to offer the members some sandwiches/cake, and would like to offer this opportunity to the Chamber members as a sponsorship opportunity? We will be sending the AGM to all our members, which is a list of over 1000 people in Leeds and organisations. As a thank you, we will of course note your contribution on all of the papers and social media etc.