Education Award 2022

Award Entry – Education

There is good evidence to show that meaningful engagement between school pupils and the world of work has a life-changing impact on young people. This category will assess the time your business commits to education. Please complete the following sections to enter the Education Award at the 2022 Raising the Bar Awards. You will have the opportunity to submit evidence to support your application at the end of the form.

Company Details

Company Address(Required)
Are you a member of West & North Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce?


Do you aim to act responsibly as a business and support local community and economic priorities? Please select the option which best describes your current position:
Have you met, or are you on track to meet, your 2022 social impact targets?


Please answer Yes or No to the following questions:
Do you encourage your employees to volunteer in educational advisory committees, boards or PTAs?
Have you actively worked to identify the skills needed in your sector and championed your field with school, college, or university leavers?
In 2022, have you donated funds, equipment, time or resources to an educational institution?
Do you actively engage with local students through workshops, career fairs, work experience, skills projects etc?
Have you taken on any apprentices in 2022?


You may want to include: The targets you set for 2022, and how you have achieved them. An outline of the different projects and activities you have worked on. An achievement which you are particularly proud of. The outcome of this achievement. 500 words maximum.
Accepted file types: mov, mp4, avi, wvm, Max. file size: 1 GB.
Record a video on a phone or webcam telling us why your business deserves to be recognised


Please upload any evidence (photos, certificates, case studies) to support your application.
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: jpg, png, pdf, doc, docx, Max. file size: 5 MB, Max. files: 5.

    Terms & Conditions

    I accept the Terms and Conditions of entry to the Raising the Bar Awards(Required)